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  • Writer's pictureRobin Smit

Unfamiliar Territory of FINISHED!

Jeremiah 33:3 says, “He will show us great and mighty things.” Great and incomprehensible things which we do not know. Things that we are not intimately familiar with.

Holy Spirit walks with us in this unfamiliar territory of FINISHED.

Colossians 1:10 in the Mirror Bible says, “Go on a walkabout tour to explore the extent of the land that is yours under His Lordship.”

Holy Spirit is our Guide on our walkabout tour in our Promise Land called FINISHED!

He’s there IN us, around us, WITH us, ahead of us, behind us, and He’s forever actively leading and guiding! Oh the joy, when we realize that. When we wake up to it and converse with Him as He guides us.

Malcolm Smith says it so well, “We’re standing on the edge of words we hardly know the meaning of, they stutter on the edge of our tongue like the grace of God, Holy Trinity, Incarnation, the loving-kindness of God, the faithfulness of God, the unchangeableness of God, etcetera. And we look at this vast universe that we’ve never gone into - the fact of a Living God and a Present God and a NOW God - and at the same time to look at myself and know that I was crucified with Christ, done deal, fact, history!”

OH the beauty of CO! Co-crucified, co-resurrected, co-ascended, and co-seated IN HIM! It is the beauty of Immanuel – He was God in the flesh WITH us so that we could be WITH Him IN His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension and then sit down WITH Him. We came out of the grave when Jesus came out of the grave — we came out WITH HIM, we co-raised WITH HIM.

It’s our history, our rebirth, our resurrection into the New Covenant that is HIM. We were there through ALL of it IN HIM and WITH HIM.

And as He stepped into the glory of His ascension, into the other half of the universe. And sat down at the very center of the cosmos of all that is, we sat WITH Him! And we saw the beaming smile of the Father, and we heard OUR Father IN Christ who IS love come to His Son AND to us as ONE LOVE.

And we heard Him say, “My beloved son in whom I AM well pleased!” And we knew He was talking about us!!

That’s the unfamiliar territory of FINISHED.

And we can only see that through Holy Spirit guiding us. He joined us, and we go WITH Him where we’ve never gone before (in our understanding!). He takes us on our own personal Lech Lecha, a journey where we discover who we have always been and what our place is in this world. He brings us into this love dance of the Holy Trinity. Into the world where we are never alone. Into the experiential existence of living in union with the always together Three – Father, Son, and Spirit. He brings us into the understanding that we are WHOLE, FINISHED, and COMPLETE IN Them.


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